I work clinically across several settings in the NHS, charitable third-sector and privately at 10 and 55 Harley Street, London, UK.

My private care is flexible, available in-person on Harley Street and, in view of the pandemic, I have increased provision of virtual consultations via telephone or video call.

Please get in touch (details below) regarding out-of-hours or weekend care, as this depends upon availability.

Click below for immediate online booking of in-person or virtual consultations. Same-day appointments are often available.
Most UK health insurance policies do not re-imburse GP consultations, however international policies may do so. Please confirm your coverage if are hoping to claim on insurance.
For any queries regarding private care, click the chat button at the bottom of the screen, use the contact form, send an email to, or call reception on 02074678389.
Queries for other services, including NHS care, policy or academic work, should be directed to those departments where I am based.
'SIGNATURE’  |  30 minutes | £220 in-person / £185 virtual

A whole-person review of yourself and the issues you’re facing, with access to necessary diagnostics, in order to understand your symptoms and provide a range of management options to suit your goals. The scientific rationale of the choices available to you will be explained.

Referrals and simple letters or certificates are included.

‘PLENARY’  | 60 minutes | £395 in-person / £360 virtual
Extensive evaluation for complex, chronic or multiple medical conditions

‘SYNOPTIC’  |  15 minutes telephone/video virtual consult | £85
For specific, brief issues (see booking page), or follow-up for existing patients only
A third of all adults can experience some form of persisting pain. Musculoskeletal problems such as shoulder, knee or back pain are some of the highest causes of population illness burden. Unfortunately, there is a gap between what research shows as effective and what is commonly offered, with many ineffective or even harmful myths in common practice.

My wide training and accreditations in orthopaedics, sports medicine, pain medicine, diagnostics, psychology, psychiatry as well as research methods, enables an evidence-based, whole-person assessment across many musculoskeletal and pain problems. With several imaging modalities available, and a range of non-surgical interventions, including ultrasound-guided injections, I aim to get people moving back towards their life goals.

It is often possible to combine assessment, diagnostic and injection (where appropriate) in a single consultation. I use various anaesthetic methods to ease comfort for injections.

When imaging is required (eg USS or MRI), this begins at £195 (varies by type).
Joint/tendon injection procedures begin at £175.
A range of diagnostics are available within the consultation, including the rare availability of several point-of-care tests for an immediate answer, vastly increasing the accuracy and convenience of a single appointment.

Some modalities (eg MRI, CT, or X-ray may need to be organised nearby, but can be available at short notice).

With a research interest in diagnostics, I am able to offer a unique interpretation of results, for example, including the use of Bayesian analysis, to avoid harmful over-medicalisation or unnecessary worry from the common occurrence of false-positive or incidental findings.

Diagnostic charges are in addition to the consultation fee and vary depending on the test.
My qualifications in psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, alongside research methods and public health, provides a wide perspective in supporting the inevitable mental health distress all individuals experience throughout life. I also have expertise in managing the more complex long-term emotional difficulties suffered by some, requiring increased medical input.

A robust first assessment is ideally best suited to a 30 - 60 minute consultation to fully understand the history. Mental health can often have a two-way relationship with other co-existing medical problems, which themselves require attention to be diagnosed and addressed. As a general physician, I can manage both emotional and physical health needs concurrently.

Using several whole-person diagnostic tools, I aim to provide an understanding of what emotional symptoms may represent, then share the full range of management approaches. Medications can play a role, although I am cognisant of the risk of inadvertently over-medicalising a situation, without added benefit, whilst failing to address other unmet needs. I aim to share the researched potential benefits and risks of all approaches, to enable people to make informed personal choices, tailored to their individual values.
Having spent much of the pandemic working in an acute Covid-19 unit, along with many years of experience in several urgent care settings, as well as previously being a regional urgent care clinical lead and accident and emergency operational board chair, I understand the complexities of urgent medical needs. These might include:
| Respiratory tract infections, including ear, nose, throat problems |
| Urinary tract infections or stones | Skin and soft tissue infections |
| New headaches or neurological difficulties such as vertigo |
| Gastrointestinal difficulties | Acute abdominal and pelvic pain |
| Sexual health problems & more |

My experience also includes working as a senior clinician decision-maker for a regional rapid-response mobile home-visiting service, managing complex cases at home to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.

I also have availability outside of working hours and believe in continuity-of-care with a familiar physician.
Various forms of blood testing and imaging are often offered to otherwise well individuals as 'health checks'. However, many of these play into our anxieties, without evidence of benefit. As with any medical intervention, all tests have risks, from radiation, unintended consequences of unnecessary worry from false-positives, to financial and insurance implications from irrelevant incidental findings.

Instead, I outline the evidenced risks and benefits of any diagnostic you’re interested in and offer a unique whole-person health assessment, combining both a bio-medical but also psycho-social evaluation, to provide a research-based analysis of your future risks, as well as identifying areas to develop in order to improve your quality of life and sense of chronic wellness.


10 Harley Street, London, W1G 1PF (click for directions)